On September 14th, at the Regione Emilia Romagna in Bologna, the end of the PRECINCT project will be celebrated. Stakeholders are invited to discover what PRECINCT has been developing to protect Europe's Critical Infrastructures. The draft agenda for this event can be read here.
On May 16th and 17th, PRECINCT Consortium held its 3rd conference at Brussels, bringing together Policy-Makers, Academia, Industry and CIs operators to discuss on critical infrastructure protection, cybersecurity and crisis management, with experts representing 8 EU projects in the domain. Thank you to the PRECINCT partners and to the representatives of PRAETORIAN, DYNABIC, STRATEGY, EU-CIP, AI4CYBER, EU-HYBNET and SUNRISE Projects.
2nd Stakeholders Engagement Workshop
After a successful first workshop, PRECINCT organised a second Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on the 22nd of November 2022. The event was jointly organised with the PRAETORIAN project.
The purpose of the workshop was to present the main outputs of the projects and ensure a strong interacton with industry CI stakeholders, end-users, citizens, and many other relevant stakeholders. The workshop included presentations from project partners on the work that had been accomplished thus far, demos of the tools that had been developed by both projects, roundtable discussions to engage stakeholders on technical and business aspects for PRECINCT, and more!
You can find the recording of the workshp here.
1st Stakeholders Engagement Workshop
On the 5th of May 2022, PRECINCT organised the first Stakeholders Engagement Workshop!
PRECINCT strives to establish an Ecosystem Platform for connecting interdependent CIs and Emergency Services so that they can collaboratively and efficiently manage security and resilience by sharing information such as Data, Critical Infrastructure Protection models and Resilience services. PRECINCT will implement the Digital Twins and the Serious Game approach to identify vulnerabilities and test or validate new detection and mitigation models and associated services in a real-time real-life context.
The purpose of the workshop was to present the main outputs of the project and ensure a strong interaction with industry CI stakeholders, end-users, citizens, and many other relevant stakeholders. The workshop included presentations from project partners on the work that had been accomplished so far and roundtable discussions to engage stakeholders on technical and business aspects for PRECINCT.
You can find the recording of the workshop here.